Scientific name: Prunus avium
Common name: Bing cherry
Interaction: Symbiotic. Provide food to humans. Humans provide CO2, farmers nurture and multiply the species.
Domesticated: Yes. Farmers raise cherry trees.
Future: Symbiotic relationship will hopefully continue! I love cherries.
Scientific name: Canis familiaris
Common name: Beagle
Interaction: Symbiotic. Humans breed and care for them, feed them. Beagles are watchdogs (in terms of altering owners to potential invaders) and great companions.
Domesticated: Yes.
Future: Symbiotic relationship will continue.
Scientific name: Acer griseum
Common name: Paperbark maple
Interaction: Symbiotic. Humans provide CO2, plant and nurture. Provide oxygen, shade, beauty, enjoyment to humans.
Domesticated: Yes. Farmers raise these trees to sell for others to plant and nurture.
Future: Symbiotic relationship will continue.
Scientific name: Zinnia sp.
Common name: Zinnia
Interaction: Symbiotic. Humans plant and care for. Zinnias provide beauty, enjoyment.
Domesticated: Yes. Farmers raise zinnias to sell.
Future: Symbiotic relationship will continue.
Scientific name: Taxodium distichum
Common name: Bald cypress
Interaction: Symbiotic. Humans provide CO2 and care for trees. Bald cypress provides oxygen, shade, beauty, enjoyment
Domesticated: Yes.
Future: Symbiotic relationship will continue.
Scientific name: Clupea harengus
Common name: Sardines.
Interaction: Predation. I have tried to think of a way that humans are of some benefit to herring, but I have not been able to come up with any!
Domesticated: No.
Future: Predation will continue. Humans will continue to hunt and eat herring.
Scientific name: Scolopendra heros
Common name: Giant desert centipede
Interaction: Commensal/symbiotic. They benefit humans by eating cockroaches. The thought is revolting to me, but some people may keep them as pets!!!
Domesticated: No.
Future: I think the relationshiop will remain mostly commensal.
Scientific name: Sylvilagus floridanus
Common name: Eastern cottontail
Interaction: Symbiotic. Unfortunately, humans provide tasty vegetation for rabbits. Some humans eat rabbits.
Domesticated: Yes, some species.
Future: Symbiotic relationship will continue.
Scientific name: Casmerodius albus
Common name: Great egret
Interaction: Symbiotic...maybe mutualistic. Humans provide retention ponds as a habitat for the egret. The bird provides beauty and enjoyment.
Domesticated: No.
Future: Symbiotic/mutualistic relationship will continue.
Scientific name: Acer palmatum atropurpureum
Common name: Red Japanese Maple
Interaction: Symbiotic. Provide oxygen, beauty, enjoyment to humans. Humans provide CO2, plant and care for.
Domesticated: Yes. Humans must nurture them.
Future: Symbiotic relationship will continue.
Scientific name: Fagus sylvatica 'Tricolor'
Common name: Tricolor European Beech
Interaction: Symbiotic. Provides oxygen, beauty, enjoyment to humans. Humans multiply and care for.
Domesticated: Yes. See above.
Future: Symbiotic relationship will continue.
Scientific name: Lycopersicon esculentum L
Common name: Tomato
Interaction: Symbiotic. Tomatoes provide food, humans raise and care for the plants.
Domesticated: Yes. Farmers raise them.
Future: Symbiotic relationship will continue.
Scientific name: Zea mays
Common name: Sweet corn
Interaction: Symbiotic. Sweet corn provides food for humans. Humans plant corn like crazy.
Domesticated: Yes. Farmers raise corn.
Future: Symbiotic relationship will continue.
Scientific name: Malus domestica Borkh
Common name: Braeburn apple
Interaction: Symbiotic. Apple tree provides food to humans. Humans plant and nurture the trees.
Domesticated: Yes. Farmers raise apple trees.
Future: Symbiotic relationship will continue.
Scientific name: Vaccinium corymbosum
Common name: Blueberry
Interaction: Symbiotic. Bush provides delicious fruit to humans. Humans plant and care for the plant.
Domesticated: Yes. Farmers raise blueberry bushes.
Future: Symbiotic relationship will continue.
Scientific name: Asparagus officinalis
Common name: Garden asparagus
Interaction: Symbiotic. Asparagus is food for humans and humans plant it.
Domesticated: Yes.
Future: Symbiotic relationship will continue.
Scientific name: Fragaria ananassa
Common name: Strawberry
Interaction: Symbiotic. Strawberry is a tasty food for humans. Humans plant the strawberry bush.
Domesticated: Yes.
Future: Symbiotic relationship will continue.
Scientific name: Lactuca sativa
Common name: Leaf lettuce
Interaction: Symbiotic. Lettuce is a food source for humans. Humans plant many seeds a year to grow lettuce.
Domesticated: Yes. Farmers raise lettuce.
Future: Symbiotic relationship will continue.
Scientific name: Arachis hypogaea L.
Common name: Peanut
Interaction: Symbiotic.
Domesticated: Yes. Farmers raise peanut plants.
Future: Symbiotic relationship will continue.
Scientific name: Achillea millefolium
Common name: Yarrow
Interaction: Symbiotic. Yarrow provide beauty and oxygen to humans. Humans plant and nurture yarrow.
Domesticated: Yes. Farmers raise yarrow to sell to others.
Future: Symbiotic relationship will continue.
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